I am thrilled to be this year's Visual Arts instructor for Pokrova Children's Ukrainian Arts Camp!
~Sheena Kalmakova

Pokrova Ukrainian Arts Network
We link people creating and consuming Ukrainian art and culture.
Hosting the annual Pokrova Children’s Ukrainian Arts Camp, holding Master Classes and Workshops featuring innovative visual and performing artists, creating original exhibitions and events while making connections between artists of all disciplines.
Since 2004, we’ve worked with the National Gallery of Canada, Library and Archives of Canada, Royal Ontario Museum, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian Museum of Civilization (now Canadian Museum of History), Ottawa Chamberfest, Lemon Bucket Orkestra, Capital Ukrainian Festival and the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada.
Its our way of learning, growing & creating Ukrainian arts and culture.
Pokrova Camp Video 2012
Pokrova Ukrainian Arts Network & Lemon Bucket Orkestra 2015 Video
Connect with us.
For more information check out: pokrovanetwork.ca